Phone Number Reservation and Purchase
This document guides API developers to search and purchase phone numbers from Skyswitch.
This page first introduces methods to list phone numbers available for purchase.
It then introduces methods to reserve phone numbers. Reserved phone numbers will be secured to your reseller account for 30 days. A reserved phone number which is not purchased within 30 days will be returned to the Available numbers pool and be made available for reservation or purchase by other resellers.
Lastly, this guide lists methods to purchase phone numbers. Note that purchased numbers are transferred to the reseller’s inventory. Removing numbers from the inventory, in other words, giving up the number out of scope for this guide.
Available Numbers
These are API endpoints to list phone numbers available for purchase.
1. List Toll Free Catalog
Use this API endpoint to query the available Toll Free phone numbers.
Click on the box below to see more details about this endpoint.
2. List local phone numbers to query the available local phone numbers
Click on the box below to see more details about this endpoint.
3. List Carriers
If you want to filter by carrier the search for toll free and local phone numbers, you will need to pass the number identifier for the carrier in the carrier_id of either of the above-mentioned API endpoints. To look up for the values of the carrier identifiers, use the List Carriers endpoint.
Click on the box below to see more details about this endpoint.
These are API endpoints to reserve phone numbers and query your reservations.
1. Reserve phone number
Use this to reserve an available phone number. A reserved phone number which is not purchased within 30 days will be returned to the Available numbers pool and be made available for reservation or purchase by other resellers.
Click on the box below to see more details about this endpoint.
No method to release reserved phone numbers
Currently, there is no way to release reserved phone numbers. Once reserved, the phone numbers are on your account for 30 days.
2. Get Reservation
Use this to query details of a specific phone number such as knowing when a reservation will expire.
Click on the box below to see more details about this endpoint.
3. List Reservations
Use this to query all phone numbers reserved for your account.
Click on the box below to see more details about this endpoint.
These are API endpoints to purchase phone number. You may either purchase a reserved phone number on your account or directly purchase an Available phone number.
Purchase a Phone Number
Use this to purchase a specific phone number.
Click on the box below to see more details about this endpoint.
Updated 11 months ago